Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Last night I went to dinner with some long time friends, Joe and his wife Nikki and my friend Brian. We went to Mimi's in hopes of finding Hooper to serve us a free meal! But he wasn't there. We still ate and enjoyed the food we paid for (Ok fine Brian paid for) We had a good time laughing about old times. Joe's wife is a sweet heart. It's always good to catch up. I hadn't seen Brian in a long time and Joe and Nikki even longer! Friends are so amazing. I have also been spending a lot of time with Misty and I love that girl! miss her tons since she got married but her husband Jason is way cool so I guess I'm ok with giving her up to the good old ball n' chain of marriage. Tricia my bestest friend in the world had a baby girl named AVA and she is beautiful! Kel and I still get into mischief. Brad and the gang are great for letting me come by anytime I want to get away from life and laugh at me. "She's a pretty girl..." yeah they are laughing at me, not my jokes or my witty come backs. Of course, Victor- well let's just say he's a good friend of mine.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Viva Bahamas!!!

So My friend Megan and I went to the Bahamas!!! here is a little teaser before i really get into it. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves until I have more time to comment

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Tribute to Jenny

Hey readers of Jenny's blog-
Just wanted to to say that I seriously miss Jenny so much.  This is her sister, Lyssa.  I live in Texas.  I have access to her blog...but I miss her so much!  Jenny and I are only 2 years apart...she's the closest sibling to me so we're really close.  When we were little, I would just follow her around, copying everything she did...and it didn't stop there.  Jenny has been the sister that I looked up to...with school, cheer leading, boys,...everything!  Even now, as she gallivants around, in school, working and having fun, I sometimes wish I was in that stage still...but only for a second :) (I would miss my family too much!)
Guys, this lady is still single and I have no idea why.  Any one would be so lucky to have her.  And I know she'll meet the right guy that will treat her right and fully deserve her.
But I just wanted to say that I Love you Jenny and miss you SO much.  I am so lucky to have such a great sister.  I will be forever indebted to you for coming here to SA and helping with Emma as I had #2.  I will always remember fun times and hope we'll have many more in the future!!  I just had to let the blogging world know this!!!  
Your little sister, Lyssa

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Creatively Inclined Moms

It's here! Well, sort of. Friday March 21st, my sister, Lyssa, is opening her BLogshop! Lyssa and 3 other ladies, who make wonderful adorable baby gifts are selling them here at COme check them out. THey're not revealing their stuff until the 21st. But you can start getting your name in the drawing. All you have to do is make a comment and link back to them on your blog and your name will be automatically entered into the drawings that they'll have. You'll win fabulous stuff that is from the blogshop! THey've got things from Diaper wipee cases to baby leg warmers and everything inbetween! Please feel free to spread the word! So come check them out!!

Friday, January 25, 2008

My Own Post for Once...

Between you and me and me since I'm sure nobody actually looks at this's my sisters who actually take the time to post things on my blog page...hence the grammatical errors! hahaha just kidding Katie-

but it's so late and there is only a small window of time when I can fall asleep and that passed about an hour ago so I'm up and I'll be up for awhile. I'm thinking a lot lately and laughing even more. Today I was laughing so hard that my cheeks were hurting. One of my clients was saying the funniest things and she had me almost in tears. I enjoy my job- I enjoy listening to people and doing what I can to help- it isn't a lot but it's something. I wrote the most beautiful children's story about England today. It was an assignment for class but it was beautiful to me...I think it's cause the whole mission thing and then the whole falling in love there thing and then the whole it's a beautiful place thing- but yeah, this is actually me for once saying Hi to my sisters who check this out in the hopes that one day I might actually start looking. Love YOu two Poo Poos!

My house has stars. Father is a star because he comes home from long days and washes oil off his calloused hands before supper. Mum is a star because she keeps me and sister blissful and childish as she waits for Father to return. Father walks up the steep lane to our house. It sits at the top, tucked in between two other houses with which we share paper thin walls. Paper thin walls! I often hear Nigel next door reading aloud from The Wind and the Willows. But rows of houses are like rows of people, close and family-like so I don’t mind his narration. Our gate is what makes our garden our own, alive with hyacinths, roses, violets, and Daisies. The rain keeps our flowers thirst-free and vibrant. When it rains, I sit inside by the warm fire and listen to the pitter patter against the roof. I look through the windowpane, watching the green meadows turning even greener! Oh how I wish to be out in the rain, trudging along in my wellies as I chase after sister. Painted with mud and laughing. But instead, I am to stay inside and iron my trousers, my blouses, my bed sheets! Why do bed sheets need to be ironed? Will I not wrinkle them tonight as I toss and turn between my sheets? Will they not get creased as my legs creep across the invisible line in our bed to where sister also squirms? We restlessly gaze out our window at the beautiful diamond-like stars sprinkled across the night sky. Sister sparkles like those sky jewels. Sister is a star. I shine and light up in this space. I am a star. My house has stars.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Sleepover's at My Apartment!

I promise...every time Carter comes over, he is my personal cleaner! I love it...killing 2 birds with 1 and the "sleepover" :)

...and no...they did not stay here! They ended up in my bed!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Catching Up...

My cute nephews sledding at Grandma's house---
The Terry family of 2007
Pretending to be "Shenook" with Carter

My sister Lyssa and her husband Joe---

Wednesday, January 2, 2008